DRIVER LICENSE SNAFU In a two-week period, Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles had two instances where inaccurate drivers licenses were mailed to motorists. Approximately 10,000 people who had changed their address online received driver’s licenses listing their previous address. The Department cited antiquated computer hardware as the culprit, saying licenses were printed faster than the addresses were updated
ELECTIONS The Florida Department of State launched a new web page last month, “Get Ready. Get Set. Vote!” The page is designed to help voters prepare for the 2016 elections and provides information on registration locations, links to county election supervisors and outlines the various voting methods in the State. You may check it out by going here.
FLORIDA BAY SEAGRASS A 25 square mile stinky stain called “yellow fog” is contributing to the death of thousands of fish in Florida Bay. Less rainfall caused increased salinity in the Bay and trapped sulfur in the mud. A similar algae bloom occurred in the 1980s, and took 12 years for the Bay to recover.
TRI-STATE WATER WARS The Army Corps of Engineers has released a long awaited water management report concerning the Chattahoochee-Flint Rivers water basin. The report is a blow to Florida’s oyster farmers who contended that Georgia has been withdrawing too much water from the basin. The report states that Georgia should be allowed to draw sufficient water from the basin for the Atlanta metro area’s estimated needs for the coming decades. It concludes that such draw downs will have minimal affects upon the Florida oyster beds. Florida’s congressional delegation is objecting to the conclusions and backs continued judicial action.