Issues of Interest

TRADE OFFICE IN ITALY During Governor DeSantis’ trade mission to Italy last month, he met with local leaders and representatives from three of the world’s top shipyards, as well as aerospace and defense company leaders. He announced the opening of a new SelectFlorida international trade development office in Italy in 2025 to assist Italian companies interested in doing business in Florida. SelectFlorida has 18 international trade offices in 16 countries worldwide.  

LAW ENFORCEMENT RECRUITMENT In a continued effort to entice law enforcement officers from other states to make Florida home, a total of 6,400 bonuses have been awarded to date through the Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus Payment Program. Launched in 2022, $5,000 post-tax bonuses are offered to newly employed state law enforcement officers who move here from other states. Florida has spent $43.3 million thus far.  

ALTERNATIVE TEACHING CERTIFICATIONS The percentage of Florida teachers holding non-education degrees (currently 10 percent of all teachers) is higher than the national average according to the U.S. Department of Education. Prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, many states changed the licensing requirements for public-school teachers. Temporary teacher certificates were accepted as well as other credentials.  

MEDIA AND CHILDREN University of South Florida researchers are launching a “Life in Media Survey” to collect data on how growing up with digital media affects the wellbeing of pre-teens over a 25-year period. Eleven to 13 year olds from across the country will be surveyed every six months over 25 years with a focus on all media consumed by this age group, including podcasts, music streaming, binge watching and social media.