Issues of Interest

VOICE CLONING SCAM Attorney General Ashley Moody issued a consumer alert to caution Floridians about a new, innovative phone scamming technology that recreates familiar voices in an attempt to steal money. The technology allows people to use near-perfect reproductions of real people’s voices. Scammers could use the technology to pose as the target’s family member Read more about Issues of Interest[…]


Information about COVID-19 is changing every day.  We wanted to share with you some resources to help you navigate through uncharted waters: The Florida Department of Health has established a COVID-19 Call Center that is available 24/7. The phone number is 1-866-779-6121 and the email is The World Health Organization offers a Q&A on Read more about COVID-19[…]

Issues of Interest

PRIMARY ELECTION Florida held its presidential preference primary election on Tuesday, March 17th. Former Vice President Joe Biden took the delegates for the Democratic Party and President Donald Trump for the Republican Party. ETHICS The House Public Integrity & Ethics Committee has been conducting hearings regarding the operations and pay structure of the Florida Coalition Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

CITRUS INDUSTRY Florida Citrus Mutual Executive Vice President Michael Sparks says the industry, which employs about 50,000 people, is improving. He warns, however, that while Florida is producing more citrus, growers are competing against citrus being brought in by processors from Brazil and Mexico. These multi-year arrangements with other countries were drafted as a result Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

VAPE DETECTORS The Indian County School Board is considering installing vape detectors in school bathrooms. The sensors would be placed in bathrooms and can detect vape smoke. HOME DNA TESTS Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis advised Floridians who may be using a direct-to-consumer DNA test to trace their ancestry that their privacy may be compromised. Read more about Issues of Interest[…]