Issues of Interest

FDACS WEBSITE The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has launched a website, Be SMART Florida, to raise consumer safety awareness around the coronavirus. SMART (S: Social distance M: Mask up A: Avoid Crowds R: Remember to wash your hands T: Throw away disposable items like masks, gloves and wipes) highlights the need for Floridians to Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENT GRANTS Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried is launching the Florida Counties Low-Income Residential Energy Efficient Grant Program. It will fund energy-efficient projects created by counties for low-income people. A total of $1 million will be given out. VOLUNTEER FLORIDA GRANTS Volunteer Florida announced new grant opportunities that are available, including $496,000 to assist Florida’s Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

AMBULANCE PROVIDER RULES State Surgeon General Scott Rivkees issued an emergency order temporarily suspending a requirement that emergency medical transportation providers obtain a “certificate of public convenience and necessity” from counties to offer services. The order came after an ambulance service tried to expand into a neighboring county last year but local officials refused to approve Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

ELECTION FUNDING Secretary of State Laurel Lee has requested $20.2 million from the federal Election Assistance Commission to help Florida prepare for the 2020 elections. The money comes from $400 million authorized by Congress as part of the CARES Act. Election expenses are anticipated to increase as there is higher interest in voting by mail, adding Read more about Issues of Interest[…]