Issues of Interest

TEXTING AND DRIVING A bill passed by the Florida Legislature in 2019 allows law enforcement to pull over a driver for texting while driving. Records show that the law is rarely enforced. In 2020, more than 20 county sheriff’s departments did not report any issued tickets. Broward County reported only 18 tickets and there were Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

PETER’S ROCK AGAMA LIZARD The invasive Peter’s rock agama lizard population appears to be spreading in South Florida and could threaten local species as it feeds on insects, like butterflies, rather than just plants. The lizards are colorful and can grow to about a foot. In Florida, adult males have bold orange or red heads, Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues if Interest

EVERGLADES RESTORATION In October, a gated spillway structure was completed about 35 miles west of Miami. It will double the amount of water that can be moved south out of the Central Everglades and into Everglades National Park which will decrease harmful estuary discharges and deliver a greater flow of water. CITRUS TAX The Florida Read more about Issues if Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

TRAYVON MARTIN AVENUE The Miami-Dade County Commission approved a request a rename a portion of a road in front of Dr. Michael K. Krop Senior High in honor of Trayvon Martin. The school was the high school Martin attended prior to his death.  HELP FOR VETERAN-OWNED BUSINESSES Florida has resources for veteran-owned small businesses across multiple Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Issues of Interest

UF LAND DONATION More than 27,000 acres near Yeehaw Junction in southern Osceola County has been donated to the University of Florida with a use easement granted to Ducks Unlimited. The property includes cattle ranchlands, citrus groves, wetlands and forests and is one of the last refuges for the endangered Florida grasshopper sparrow. The land Read more about Issues of Interest[…]