From the Capitol

We have reached the midpoint of the 2016 Legislative Session with 1,847 bills officially filed and working their way through the process. With the majority of the subcommittees completing their work last week, several bills are expected to die.  Issues may come back as amendments attached to other germane bills. Both chambers passed major pieces of Read more about From the Capitol[…]

From the Capitol

As part of the budget crafting process, Governor Rick Scott unveiled his 2016-2017 budget proposal on November 23rd.  While the Governor makes recommendations, it is the responsibility of the Florida Legislature to develop and pass a budget each year, which is then sent to the Governor for his consideration.  The Governor’s $79.3 billion proposed plan Read more about From the Capitol[…]

From the Capitol

The Florida Legislature met the weeks of October 5th and 19th as part of its regularly scheduled committee weeks to prepare for the 2016 Session.  The third special session of the year, to address the redrawing of the Senate districts, coincided with the second committee week and extends to November 6th.  Meanwhile, the Florida Supreme Read more about From the Capitol[…]

From the Capitol

The Florida Legislature adjourned its second special session of the summer on August 21st without agreement on a revised congressional map.  In July, the Florida Supreme Court ordered the Legislature to redraw the maps based on a lawsuit brought by the League of Women Voters and others.  Circuit Judge Terry Lewis, who held a hearing Read more about From the Capitol[…]

From the Capitol

It has been a very busy summer with the Florida Legislature in Tallahassee for a special session in June to complete the FY 2015-16 budget and, soon again, for special sessions on redistricting. The Florida Supreme Court ruled on July 9th that eight congressional district maps were unconstitutional and must be redrawn by October 17th.  Read more about From the Capitol[…]