Bills Signed by Governor DeSantis

MY SAFE FLORIDA HOME $200 million will be made available to the My Safe Florida Home program to reduce the backlog of Florida homeowners’ applications for wind mitigation inspections, a grant program where the homeowner can apply up to $10,0000. Priority will be given to elderly, low-income residents. Thus far, approximately 20,000 homeowners have hardened their homes. Additionally, $30 million is designated in the budget for a pilot program to expand this grant program to condominium associations.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING Amendments were made to the 2023 Live Local Act, which made substantial changes and additions to affordable housing related programs and policies at both the state and local level. Additionally, $100 million in non-recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund were designated for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation to administer the Florida Hometown Hero Program.

SCHOOL CHOICE Various educational scholarship programs, including school choice and scholarship funding, are being expanded and revised. This includes the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program to give allowances for certain pre-kindergarten programs, the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program and the Hope Scholarship Program.

SCHOOL SAFETY School districts and charter school governing boards must meet many new enhanced safety standards and compliance reporting by August 1st. This includes perimeter and door safety requirements, discipline policies for instructional and administrative personnel, training for school guardians, drone use over schools, and incident reporting, among other responsibilities. Private schools participating in the guardian program are responsible for all costs related to background screening and training, though the sheriff’s office can waive costs.

DEREGULATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS The bill builds on the deregulation of public school provisions passed by the 2023 Legislature that removes unnecessary and burdensome regulations on school districts to advance efficient administrative processes, enhance facilities management, and simplify financial requirements.

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION There is now an alternative for students who have withdrawn from high school before graduation to earn their diploma. The newly created Graduation Alternative to Traditional Education (GATE) Program waives 100 percent of registration, tuition, laboratory, and examination fees for students between the ages of 16-21 seeking to earn their high school diploma.

HISTORY OF COMMUNISM Public schools must include instruction on the “dangers and evils of communism” beginning with the 2026-2027 school year. Miami Dade College also will establish an Institute for Freedom in the Americas to promote democracy.

CONTINUING EDUCATION Distance learning is now an option to fulfill continuing education requirements by state boards or the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. There are also exemptions for certain long-term licensees from these requirements.