Bills that Failed

The following are a few bills that failed to pass this session: WINDSHIELD INSURANCE COVERAGE Neither chamber advanced legislation that would prohibit auto-glass shops from offering cash, gift cards and other incentives to motorists to attract windshield repair work. ABORTION Two bills failed to gain traction: a fetal heartbeat bill would have blocked physicians from Read more about Bills that Failed[…]

Bills that Passed

Below is a sampling of bills that passed: PERSONAL HYGIENE PRODUCTS Correctional facilities must make feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other such products available, at no cost, to incarcerated women. The bill also prohibits a male correctional officer in a Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice facility from conducting a pat-down, strip-search, Read more about Bills that Passed[…]

Movers and Shakers

Governor DeSantis appointments: Ashley Moody Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has been appointed to chair the Statewide Task Force on Opioid Drug Abuse. Board of Trustees of Florida Gulf Coast University Reappointed was Ashly Coone, Arcadia, president of Ashley Coone Consulting. Blue-Green Algae Task Force Appointed to this newly established task force were Dr. Wendy Graham, Read more about Movers and Shakers[…]

Bills that Passed

Below are bills that passed this legislative session: PRESCRIPTION DRUGS A prescription drug importation program that would have to be approved by the federal government passed both chambers. The bill was sponsored by Representative Tom Leek (R-Daytona Beach) and was a priority for Governor DeSantis. STATE EMPLOYEE INSURANCE The Legislature made a few changes to Read more about Bills that Passed[…]

Bills that died

Below are a few bills that did not pass this year: TOBACCO Dubbed the “Tobacco 21 Act,” the legislation would have preempted the establishment of the minimum age for the sale of tobacco products and nicotine products to the state and raised the age of purchasing such products to 21. FRACKING Measures to ban the Read more about Bills that died[…]