Legislative Issues

TELEHEALTH Senator Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart) is advancing her bill to allow for healthcare services to be delivered via technology, known as telehealth. Meanwhile, Representative Clay Yarborough’s (R-Jacksonville) bill is ready for debate on the House floor. MEDICAID Bills to authorize non-emergency transportation services to Medicaid recipients by transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft are Read more about Legislative Issues[…]

Issues of Interest

PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Keep Our Constitution Clean, a recently formed political committee, wants to raise the percentage for passage of a proposed constitutional amendment from 60 percent to sixty-six and two-thirds percent. The group filed the proposal with the Florida Division of Elections on March 14th. TRAINS Virgin Trains (formerly known as Brightline) plans to Read more about Issues of Interest[…]

Legislative Issues

STRAW BAN PROHIBITION Senate Bill 588 and House Bill 603 are both moving in their respective chambers. The bills would ban local governments from enacting ordinances which would prohibit the use of single-use plastic straws in food establishments. Such action would be preempted to the state. The Senate bill has been modified to where it Read more about Legislative Issues[…]

Legal Updates

FLORIDA/GEORGIA WATER WARS The U.S. Supreme Court has appointed another special master to recommend a resolution to Florida’s battle with Georgia over water in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint river system. The Court rejected the previous special master. New Mexico’s Senior U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Paul J. Kelly Jr. will now sort through the case and Read more about Legal Updates[…]