Bills That Passed

SCOOTERS This legislation allows for the operation of micromobility devices (scooters) without a valid driver license and excludes them from compliance with vehicle registration, licensing, and insurance requirements. It will not prohibit a city or county government from adopting an ordinance governing the operation of scooters on streets, highways, and sidewalks in their jurisdiction. STRAW Read more about Bills That Passed[…]

Movers and Shakers

Ben Diamond Representative Ben Diamond (D-St. Petersburg) was elected Minority Leader of the Florida House of Representatives for 2022-24. Charlie Crist U.S. Congressman Charlie Crist (D-FL) was appointed by U.S. Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (D-IL), chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. as a regional vice chair. Enterprise Florida Board of Directors Appointed was former state Read more about Movers and Shakers[…]

Bills that Passed

The following is a sampling of bills that passed: EDUCATION Workforce Education A priority of the Governor, this legislation passed both chambers with bipartisan support. The bill will require high schools to place a stronger emphasis on vocational and technical training and apprenticeships, beginning with required courses for middle school students on career and education Read more about Bills that Passed[…]

Bills Signed by the Governor

The following bills have been signed by Governor DeSantis:    FIREFIGHTERS Sixteen years after initial introduction of a version of this bill, legislation passed which requires employers to provide cancer insurance to firefighters and death benefits to the surviving families. SERVICE ANIMALS This bill strengthens penalties for people who willfully injure or kill dogs or horses that work Read more about Bills Signed by the Governor[…]